Monday, June 4, 2007

Has the whole world gone mad?
I don't know what I fear more?
To know whats going on out there
or not know enough?

I try to look at as many sources as possible, from as many sides.
I'm afraid to pay attention to whats going on at home anymore, looking out my own window is enough to convince me were doomed!!!

I'm tired of seeing it and hearing about it!!
War killing and hate everywhere!
Of course the United seems to be somehow blamed for every second of it?
Do they even broadcast these things anymore?
Demands from Al Qaeda?
only 6?

One: Pull every one of your last soldiers, spies, security advisors, trainers, attach&eacutes, and so on out every Muslim land from Afghanistan to Zanzibar. Should so much as one single American soldier or spy remain on Islamic soil, it shall be considered sufficient justification for us to continue our defensive Jihad against your nation and people.

Two: Stop all support and aid, military, political, economic, or otherwise to the 56 plus apostate regimes of the Muslim world and abandon them to their well-deserved fate at the hands of the soldiers of Islam. Should you fail to comply in full, we will deem it sufficient justification to continue to fight and kill Americans.

Three: End all support, moral, military, economic, political, or otherwise to the bastard state of Israel and ban your citizens, Zionist Jews, Zionist Christians, and the rest from traveling to occupied Palestine or settling there. Even one penny of aid will be considered sufficient justification to continue the fight.

Four: Cease all interference in the religion, society, politics, and governance of the Muslims world. And leave us alone to establish the Islamic shura state, which will unite the Muslims of Earth in truth and justice. A single word of American protest shall be silenced by a thousand Islamic bombs.

Five: Put an end to all forms of interference in the education curricula and information media of the Islamic world, and impose a blanket ban on all broadcasts to our region, especially those designed to alter or destroy the faith, minds, morals, and values, of our people.

Six: Free all Muslim captives from your prisons, detention facilities, and concentration camps, regardless of whether they are recipients of what you call a fair trial or not. Your refusal to release them will mean the continuation of our just struggle against your tyranny until the last kidnapped Muslim has been liberated.

HUH?? 56 apostates of the Muslim world?? whats that mean?? I just shake my head? does no one think this all some psychotic madness? All of it!! and I didn't copy the parts about baby killing and other great stuff .......

I don't want to watch this show anymore ...
I don't care if it's real or not!!
Isn't there anyone out there who just wants to enjoy being alive again??
and why do I feel guilty to want to even try that?
alright pull yourself together.
I don't want my blog to be like most others, pointing out problems, negatives............
I want to find hope, I wanna smile and laugh.............. see beauty in the simple things.
Sing and dance,
explore the world,
learn and try new things,
play games,
meet and talk to interesting people,
be inspired.................
Is that too much to ask for?
In a world full of death, wouldnt the answer be to fight back with all the life you have left in you?